Saturday, January 16, 2010

Warren Buffett Quotes

1. I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute.

2. I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.

3. I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.

4. If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.

5. If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.

6. In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.

7. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.

8. It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.

9. It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.

10. Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit from folly rather than participate in it.

11. Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.

12. Our favorite holding period is forever.

13. Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

14. Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.

15. Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.

16. Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

17. The investor of today does not profit from yesterday's growth.

18. The only time to buy these is on a day with no "y" in it.

19. When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.

20. Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae West said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful".

21. Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.

22. You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong.

23. Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Watched Movie-Best

The Godfather, Good Fellas, American Gangster, The Assassination of Jesse James, The Silence of the Lambs, When Harry Met Sally, Silent Hill, The Bucket List, Air Force 1, Fun with Dick and Jane, Apocalypto, Italian Job, Ocean 11, 12, 13, National Treasure, Braveheart, Con Air, Die Hard, Face Off, Gladiator, The Patriot, The Fast and the Furious, Shrek, School of Rock, Sister Act, AI, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Departed, The Unforgiven, Over the Hedge, Material Girl, Ice Princes, Peaceful Warrior, Bridge On The River Kwai, The Girl Next Door, Forrest Gump, The Last Samurai, A lot like Love, The Pinkpanther I & II, The Son of Pink Panther, Srgnt. Bilko, A Beautiful Mind, Princes Diary, The Terminal, A Walk in The Clouds, Cinderella Man, Euro Trip, Boat Trip, Good, Bad & Ugly, Uptown Girls, What Woman Wants, Secret Window, Gone in 60 Seconds, 7 seconds, Ice Age I, II, III, Kung Fu Panda, The Pursuit Of Happyness, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Madagascar, Bangkok Dangerous, Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Bruce Almighty, The Grinch, Me, Myself & Irene, Batman Forever, The Dark Knight, Lethal Weapons, Ghost Raider, The Rock, Derailed, In the line of Fire, From Dusk Till Dawn, Shanghai Noon, The Quick and the Dead, Unforgiven, Behind the Enemy Lines, Stealth, To Be or Not To Be, Dog's Day Afternoon, The Devil's Advocate, Catch me if you can, Herbie, Suburban Girl, Uptown Girl, College Road Trip, The Scorpion King, The Scorpion King 2 - Rise of a Warrior, Transformers, Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen, Antz, Up, Big Momma's House, Coming to America, Cop Out, Despicable me, Grown Ups, Hannah Montana - The Movie, La Vita E Bella, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Diary of Wimpy Kids, Fire and Ice, The Karate Kid, The Nutty Professor, Top Gun, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Offside, Goal, King Kong, The 40 Years Old Virgin, Thirteen Days, Surf's Up, The Corporation, The Insider, A Mighty Wind, Borat, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball, La vie En Rose, Schindler's List, The Hangover,

My Read Books

P. G. Wodehouse: Thank You, Jeeves, Right Ho, Jeeves, Carry On Jeeves, Very good Jeeves, Ring for Jeeves

Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle Book, Kim, The Vampire

George Orwell: Animal Farm

Pierre Boulle: The Bridge on the River Kwai

Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms, To Have and Have Not

Erich Maria Remarque: All Quiet on the Western Front, The Road Back, Three Comrades, The Black Obelisk

Bram Stoker: Dracula

Jules Verne: Five Weeks in a Balloon, The Adventures of Captain Hatteras, A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the Moon, Around the World in Eighty Days, The Mysterious Island, Michael Strogoff, Off on a Comet , Propeller Island, Master of the World

Agatha Christie: Alibi, The Man in the Brown Suit, Death on the Nile, The Secret of Chimneys

Issac Asimov: Forward The Foundation, Foundation, Foundation and Earth, Foundation And Empire, Foundation's Edge

H. G. Wells: The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man

Henry Rider Haggard: King Solomon's Mines, Allan Quatermain Series, She: A History of Adventure, Cleopatra, Moon of Israel, Treasure of the Lake, Ayesha: The Return of She, Black Heart And White Heart, Morning Star, Stella

Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Our Mutual Friend, The Pickwick Papers

Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe , Talisman

Mark Twain: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Puddnhead Wilson

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Stories of Sherlock Holmes, The Lost World

Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, Man In The Iron Mask

Virginia Woolf: The Voyage Out

Victor Hugo: La Miserables, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Man Who Laughs

Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, The Possessed

Maxim Gorky: Mother, My Childhood

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe

Henry De Vere Stacpoole: The Blue Lagoon

W. Somerset Maugham: Of Human Bondage

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings: The Yearling

Dante: Divine Comedy

Geoffrey Chaucer : The House of Fame, The Canterbury Tales

Arthur C. Clarke: 2001 A Space Odyssey, 2010 Odyssey 2 , 2061 Odyssey 3, 3001 The Final Odyssey , The Fountains of Paradise

Stephen W. Hawkings: A Brief Story Of Time

Rafael Sabatini: Across The Pyrenees, The Lost King

Jack London: The Sea Wolf, The Call Of The Wild, White Fang

Shamsuddin Nawab: Bermuda Triangle

Lew Wallace: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

Erich Kastner: Emil and the Detectives, Lottie and Lisa

Frederick Marryat: Children of the New Forest, Newton Forster or, the Merchant Service

Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote

Thomas Hardy: Far From The Madding Crowd, Jude The Obscure, The Mayor Of Casterbridge, Under the Greenwood Tree

Laura Ingalls Wilder: Farmer Boy, Little House On The Prairie, On The Banks Of Plum Creek

Lord Liton: Last Days Of Pompeii

Mario Puzo: The Godfather

Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels

Silas Hocking: Her Benny

Martha Mckenna: I Was A Spy

Nikolai Ostrovsky: How the Steel Was Tempered

Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre

Robert Louis Stevenson: Kidnapped, Treasure Island, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dale Carnegie: Public Speaking and Influencing Men In Business, How to Win Friends and Influence People, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking, How To Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People, The Leader In You, Managing Through People, Pathways to Success - In Your Personal and Private Lives

Jane Austen: Mansfield Park, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility

Charles Nordhoff: Men Against The Sea, Mutiny On The Bounty, The Pearl Lagoon

Daphne Du Maurier: My Cousin Rachel, Rebecca

David Seltzer, Joseph Howard, Gordon Mcgill: The Omen, Omen II, Omen III - The Final Conflict, Omen IV: Armageddon 2000, Omen V: The Abomination

Henry Charriere: Papillon

Naseem Hijazi: Andheri Raat ke Musafir, Yusuf Bin Tashfain, Akhri Chataan, Muhammad Bin Qasim, Qafla-i Hijaz

D.H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover, The White Peacock

Johann David Wyss: The Swiss Family Robinson

Alexander Beliaev: Amphibian Man

Paul Wellman: The Iron Mistress

John Steinbeck: The Pearl, Of Mice and Men

Albert Camus: The Plague

James Fenimore Cooper: The Prairie, The Last of the Mohicans

Edith Nesbit: The Railway Children

Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men in a Boat

Hans Christian Andersen: The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid

Andrew Geer: The Sea Chase

Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin

J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Maitreyi Devi: na hanayte/It Does Not Die

Mircea Eliade: La Nuit Bengali/Bengali Night

সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়: প্রথম আলো, সেই সময়, পূর্ব-পশ্চিম, আত্মপ্রকাশ, সুখ অসুখ, সোনালি দুঃখ, অনসূয়ার প্রেম, মধ্যরাতের মানুষ, একা এবং কয়েকজন, দুই নারী, জোছনাকুমারী, ভালবাসার দুঃখ, জনারণ্যে একজন, সোনালি দুঃখ, পুরুষ, বৃত্তের বাইরে, উত্তরাধিকার, নদীর ওপার, সেই দিন সেই রাত্রি, দময়ন্তীর মুখ, সমুদ্রতীরে, সোনালী দিন, প্রতিপক্ষ, একাকিনী, সুপ্ত বাসনা, অরণ্যের দিনরাত্রি

সমরেশ মজুমদার: উত্তরাধিকার, কালবেলা, কালপুরুষ, গর্ভধারিনী, সাতকাহন, উনিশ বিশ, শেষের খুব কাছে, আট কুঠুরি নয় দরজা , তীর্থযাত্রী, মেয়েরা যেমন হয়, আত্মীয়স্বজন, কেউ কেউ একা, মনের মতো মন, বুনো হাঁসের পালক, বন্দীনিবাস,

সমরেশ বসু:

শীর্ষেন্দু মুখোপাধ্যায়: দূরবীণ , মানবজমিন , পার্থিব , যাও পাখি, তীরন্দাজ, বিকেলের মৃত্যু, ফুলচোর, ঘুন পোকা, চক্র, কাপুরুষ, কালো বেড়াল সাদা বেড়াল, দ্বিচারিনী, লাল নীল মানুষ, যুগলবন্দী, কাছের মানুষ, মনোজদের অদ্ভুত বাড়ি, অদ্ভুতুড়ে, সোনার মেডেল¸ কুঞ্জপুকুরের কান্ড, বিপিনবাবুর বিপদ, নৃসিংহ রহস্য, ভূতুরে ঘড়ি, হিরের আংটি

বিমল কর: অসময়

বিমল মিত্র: কড়ি দিয়ে কিনলাম

বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়: কৃষ্ণকান্তের উইল, কপালকুণ্ডলা, দুর্গেশনন্দিনী,

বুদ্ধদেব বসু: তিথিডোর, একটি জীবন ও কয়েকটি মৃত্যু

ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর: শকুন্তলা, সীতার বনবাস, মহাভারতের উপক্রমণিকা,

শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়: বড়দিদি, বিরাজ বৌ, বিন্দুর ছেলে, পরিণীতা, মেজদিদি, বৈকুন্ঠের উইল, পল্লীসমাজ, চন্দ্রনাথ, অরক্ষণীয়া, দেবদাস, চরিত্রহীন, শ্রীকান্ত ১, শ্রীকান্ত ২, শ্রীকান্ত ৩, শ্রীকান্ত ৪, নিষ্কৃতি, গৃহদাহ, বামুনের মেয়ে, দেনা পাওনা, পথের দাবী, শেষের পরিচয়

সঞ্জীব চট্টোপাধ্যায়: লোটা কম্বল-১, লোটা কম্বল-২

জাহানারা ইমাম: একাত্তরের দিনগুলি, ক্যান্সারের সাথে বসবাস

নিমাই ভট্টাচার্য: গোধূলিয়া, মেমসাহেব

আনিসুল হক: ৫১ বর্তী, অশ্বডিম্ব, দুঃস্বপ্নের যাত্রী, বোকা গোয়েন্দা, সেই গাধা, সেই পানি, গাধা, মেষ রে মেষ-তুই আছিস বেশ, আলো অন্ধকারে যাই, স্বপ্নের মানুষ, গোধূলী, ছাগলতন্ত্র, কৌতুকের ছলে বলে যাই, বারোটা বাজার আগে

শাহরিয়ার কবির: বলকান থেকে বাল্টিকঃক্রান্তিকালের মানুষ, বার্চবনে ঝড়, কার্পেথিয়ানের কালো গোলাপ, একাত্তরের যীশু, নুলিয়াছড়ির সোনার পাহাড়

সত্যজিৎ রায়:

বিভুতিভূষণ বন্দোপাধ্যায়: পথের পাঁচালী, আরণ্যক,

আহসান হাবীব:

হুমায়ূন আজাদ:

আখতারুজ্জামান ইলিয়াস: চিলেকোঠার সেপাই

জহির রায়হান: শেষ বিকেলের মেয়ে, বরফগলা নদী, হাজার বছর ধরে

আবুল মনসুর আহমেদ: আমার দেখা রাজনীতির ৫০ বছর

সৈয়দ মুজতবা আলী: পঞ্চতন্ত্র, দেশে বিদেশে, চাচা কাহিনী

সৈয়দ ওয়ালীঊল্লাহ: লালসালু

মঈনুল আহসান সাবের: আগামী দিনের গল্প

মুনতাসির মামুন:

তসলিমা নাসরিন: নারী

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Basics of Stock Market

Capital Classification:
Authorized capital: Indicates the level of capital a company is permit to collect from the investors.
For instance, if GP has an authorized capital of 1 billion then it can collect maximum of 1 billion taka capital from investors. If this company has collected 1 billion taka from investors by this time, the company can't issue any Right share or stock dividend to increase its capital base. Cause Company has no further permission to increase the capital base. But of course if they wish they can apply for raising authorized capital so that they can issue more stocks further. This is how whenever a firm increase it's authorized capital base it signals that the firm has expansion plan and thus they will raise more capital through right issue, stock divided or with retaining more (less cash dividend and no stock or right to shareholder).

Paid up capital: It is the capital which is already collected from investors.
For Instance: in the above example GP has collected 1 billion as capital and thus the paid up capital is 1 billion. This is helpful to analyze the situations like regulatory move to increase paid up capital. For example recent regulatory change of bank, insurance and leasing companies paid up capital requires such knowledge to identify investment opportunity.

Net Asset Value (NAV) current market price: Net Asset Value (NAV) cost price basis:
For Instance, I bought 100 GP at 1000 TK, then the total NAV of GP at cost price will be 1000 TK. Now if the market price is 5000 TK then the total NAV of GP at market price basis will be 5000 TK and the unit basis NAV can be obtained by dividing the total NAV by the number of units outstanding in the market.

Dividend yield: Dividend yield is the return calculated on your buying price resulting from declared dividend. For instance: If GP declares a 20% dividend and you buy GP stock for 5000 TK. In that case you will receive 200 TK as dividend (Face value of GP stock is 1000 TK so 20% on 1000 TK. is 2000 TK). But as you bought the stock for 5000 TK your return is not 20% rather your return is 200/5000 = 4% only. This is called dividend yield.

Circuit Breaker: This is an automated system introduced by both DSE and CSE. In this system a specific stock cannot increase or decrease more than a specific percentage point.
For instance: Previous day close price of GP 5000 TK. and the circuit breaker is 10%. It means GP share price will not rise more than 10% today even it won't fall more than 10% today. So in a single day it's highest price can be 5000 + 5000 x 10%=5500 TK and the lowest price will be 4500 TK. This system is introduced to tackle unusual volatility in the stock market.

LTP: Last Trade Price of a specific company in a day. The latest trade took place in this price.
Last Closing Price: When market closes, the last 10 minutes price is averaged and declared as the close price.

Volume: Volume indicates how many stock of a specific company is traded in a single trading day.

High Price: This is the highest price of a stock in a single trading day.

Low Price: This is the lowest trade price in a single trading day.

Trade: It indicates how many transaction of a single stock took place in a day.

52 Weeks Range: It means that what was the highest and lowest price of a stock in last 52 weeks. For example if today GP's 52 weeks range shows 4000-5000 it means that GP stock was traded lowest at 4000 TK in last 52 weeks and highest at 5000 TK in last 52 weeks. Usually it is updated every month on DSE website.

IPO: Initial Public Offering. When any company offers their stock to general public for the first time it is called Initial Public Offering. A company can offer stock to the public again and again. Those are called Public Offering.

Private Placement: When a company sells it's shares to institutional or individual investors through private negotiation rather offering their shares to the public it is called private placement.

Broker: A broker is an intermediary who works as a media to bring together buyer and seller. And it takes commission form the buy/sales made. A broker must be listed member of any stock exchange (i.e DSE, CSE)

Face Value (FV): This is the value assigned to a smallest part of ownership of a company. For example in case of the GP the from the examples Face Value of a share of GP is 1000 TK

Market Value (MV): When someone sees a good business prospect of a company then he may be will to buy it other than the face value. It may be a higher price. For instance at present GP’s stock is trading around 5000 TK. So its market value (MV) is 5000 TK now.

Market Lot (ML): Every firm has millions of stock in the market. If every piece of stock is traded separately it will generate tedious clerical job and the system won't support so many trades per day. Moreover the trading cost per trade will be intolerable. To face such problem stocks of different companies are traded in bunches. Then every bunch is traded in the market. Every bunch is called a lot (market lot). For example you have to buy at least 50 stocks at a time in a bunch if you want to buy GP’s stock. So the market lot (ML) of GP’s stock is 50.

Earning Per Share (EPS): Earning per share indicates how much profit is earned per share. For example if GP is divided in 10 million stock and GP makes a profit of 100 million TK then earning per share of GP is (10000 million TK / 10 million shares = 1000 TK.) 1000 TK. EPS is calculated through dividing the total profit buy total number of securities/stock.

Price Earning Ratio (PER): It indicates that what is the price of a stock in relation to EPS. For instance, GP price is now 5000 TK in the market and it's EPS is 1000 TK. Then it's price earning ratio (PER) is (5000 TK/100 TK) 50 times. It also indicates that if someone buy a GP stock for 5000 TK today the company will earn the same amount of earning for that stock in 50 years.

Dividend: It’s the portion of profit given to the shareholders. Dividend is usually expressed in percentage basis or per share basis. For instance, now if GP declares a 100% dividend to the shareholders it indicates that every shareholder will get 1000 TK per share. Dividend is calculated on Face Value not on the market value. The dividend declaration depends on the profit earned by the company, company’s payout ratio, investing policy etc.

Stock dividend: In some cases company may earn some profit. But it may need some extra money for further growth of the company. In that case the company may retain the profit earned. It won’t declare cash dividend. Rather it will declare stock dividend. In that case an investor will get a few more stock of that company for free. For Instance, if Gp declares a 100% stock dividend it means if you hold 100 stocks of GP you will get 100 stocks free. This is a very nice system for company growth. In this system company can retain its needed cash for further investment and stock holders also get some benefit.

Right issue: In some cases business may need immediate money in the middle of the year or for any reason. May be it need some more cash for business growth. In that case the company can issue fresh share in the market. But according to regulation the existing shareholders have the priority to buy the shares. So when the company decides to issue new shares in the market at first it offers the shares to existing shareholders of the company. As existing shareholders get the shares according to their right it is called right issue. But if the existing shareholders decline to buy the new shares the company can issue the shares to general public as fresh IPO.

Stock: Stock is a part of a company’s ownership.

Bond: On the other hand when you lend a firm some money and in return it gives you a certificate which is called bond. The firm can anytime payback your money. You are a lender of the firm only not an owner.

Debenture: A debenture is defined as a certificate of agreement of which is given under the company’s and carries an undertaking that the debenture holder will get a fixed return (fixed on the basis of interest rates) and the principal amount whenever the debenture matures. A debenture is a long-term debt instrument used by governments and large companies to obtain funds. It is defined as "a debt secured only by the debtor’s earning power, not by a lien on any specific asset

Blue-Chip Company: A company that is very strong financially, with a solid track record of producing earnings and only a moderate amount of debt. A blue-chip company also has a strong name in its industry with dominant products or services. Typically, blue-chip companies are large corporations that have been in business for many years and are considered to be very stable. However, there is no formal requirement for being a blue chip.

AGM: An annual general meeting is a meeting that official bodies, and associations involving the public (including companies with shareholders), are often required by law to hold. An AGM is generally held every year to inform their members of previous and future activities. In organizations run by volunteers or a paid committee, the AGM is generally the forum for the election of officers or directors for the organization. It is an opportunity for the shareholders and partners to receive copies of the company's accounts as well as reviewing fiscal information for the past year and asking any questions regarding the decisions the business will take in the future.

BO Account: This is an account opened by investors to hold their securities in dematerials form with a depository and to carry out the transactions of sale and purchase of such securities in book- entry form through the depository system. A beneficiary account holder is legally entitled for all rights and liabilities attached to the securities. (i.e. equity shares, debentures, government securities, etc.) held in that account. Therefore, the account is called “beneficial owner account”. A beneficiary account can be in the name of an individual, corporate, Minor, Bank, Financial Institution, Trust, etc. or the broker himself for the purpose of his personal investments in dematerials form.

Premium: a bonus paid in addition to normal payments. The premium on stock involves the amount the issuing corporation receives when it issues common stock having a par value. The premium on common stock is the BDT amount that is in excess of the common stock’s par value.
For instance, GP issues one share of its stock having a face value of 1000 TK per share. If the corporation receives 2000 in exchange for the share, 1000 TK will be recorded as the premium on stock

Discount: It is opposite of premium.

DSE 20: The criteria set for the DSE-20 index are: earning per share, minimum market capitalization worth TK 200 million (20 crore), minimum 30% per cent shares in public hand, minimum payment of 10% dividend for the last three consecutive years and 95% trading days in the last six months. Good corporate governance, holding annual general meetings regularly and sectoral representation are the other key conditions for becoming eligible to be included in the index.
Apart from the DSE-20, the prime bourse of the country has two other indices, namely DSE General Index or DGEN, and All Share Price Index or DSI.

Index Calculation Algorithm (according to IFC Index Methodology): Yesterday's Closing Index X Current Marketing CapitalizationCurrent Index = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Market Capitalization Yesterday's Closing Index X Closing Market CapitalizationClosing Index = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Market Capitalization Current Market Capitalization = ∑ (Last Trade Price X Total no. of indexed shares)Closing Market Capitalization = ∑ (Closing Price X Total no. of indexed shares)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Positive Thiking-Think Bangladesh

Positive thinking will change life forever. Experts believe that when you change the way you look at life, you will change your life – and it is true. Positive looks at the world as though it only has great things to offer and in that thinking, they see the opportunities for learning and growth, rather than the obstacles in their way. Instead of getting upset about the car that cut them off in traffic, they hope that there was not an emergency that caused the driver to need to go so fast. It takes time and practice.

A positive one is simply anyone that strives to look for the best in everything. For just one day, we can try to do the same. We are pround with the tag 'Made in Bangladesh". Let's join us and promote Bangladesh in every possible way we can.

Think Bangladesh-Promoting Bangladesh

We have stated a group in Facebook and Linkedin. "Think Bangladesh" is to promote Bangladesh. Our vision to promote Ethical Bangladesh with a passionate HOPE to see a better Tomorrow. We dream for prosperous Bangladesh by 2021. We dream for eight goals to be achieved by 2021:

1. Goal One: To be a true democracy
1.1. Democracy and Constitutional provisions
1.2. Role of political parties
1.3. Role of public representatives
1.4. A strong and neutral Election Commission
1.5. A neutral, merit based and professionally oriented public administration
1.6. Human rights
1.7. Rule of law
1.8. Transparency and accountability at all levels of national and local administration, with necessary institutional reforms
1.9. Separation of the Judiciary and the Executive
1.10. Judicial reforms especially in lower courts
1.11. Strong local government system with resources and accountability
1.12. Compassionate welfare arrangements for social protection of the vulnerable at all levels as stated in the Constitution

2. Goal Two: To have a publicly accountable and transparent government
2.1. Fiscal
2.1.1. Fiscal discipline and Fiscal Responsibility Legislation
2.1.2. Budgetary reforms
2.1.3. Revenue administration and generation of public savings
2.1.4. Implementation of Public Investment Programme/ADP, and optimum use of foreign aid
2.1.5. Transparent procurement system
2.1.6. Access to information
2.1.7. e-governance
2.2. Monetary Policy
2.2.1. Independence of the Central Bank in formulating monetary policy, and in administration of the financial sector institutions
2.2.2. Coordination of fiscal and monetary policy through an active and effective institutional arrangement to maintain a healthy investment climate
2.3. Balance of Payments
2.3.1. Transparency regarding ‘management’ of the exchange rate
2.3.2. Keeping the exchange rate competitive globally and regionally
2.3.3. Policy regarding access to international financial markets

3. Goal Three: To be a middle-income country
3.1. Coordinated and complementary roles of the public and private sectors in all areas of the economy
3.2. How has the existing arrangement, i.e. the relative roles of the public and the private sectors, worked? Where it has not, how to optimize the benefits for the economy and the society?
3.3. Poverty, income and employment
3.4. Agriculture
3.4.1. Land management,
3.4.2. Diversification of agriculture, agricultural research, extension and communication
3.4.3. Agricultural input supply, including irrigation
3.4.4. Issue of subsidy
3.4.5. Trade liberalisation and agriculture
3.4.6. Food security and social safety nets
3.5. Rural infrastructure and rural non-farm sector
3.6. Industry
3.6.1. Domestic industry
3.6.2. Export oriented production
3.6.3. Physical infrastructure
3.6.4. Financial sector, financial infrastructure and capital markets
3.6.5. Role of multinational corporations, foreign private investment and level playing field
3.6.6. Revival of the jute industry
3.6.7. Privatization of state-owned industries

4. Goal Four: To be a more equitable society
4.1. Income inequality
4.2. Regional inequality
4.3. Gender inequality
4.4. Equality of opportunities irrespective of religion or ethnicity
4.5. Equality of access to education and health facilities

5. Goal Five: To have skilled, creative and healthy people
5.1. Education
5.1.1. Universal scientific education for all
5.1.2. Basic literacy, Primary, Secondary and Higher education
5.1.3. Science and technology
5.1.4. Curricula of all educational institutions & quality of education at all levels
5.1.5. Extra-curricular activities at all levels of education
5.1.6. Public-private controversy
5.1.7. Gender balance at all levels of education
5.1.8. Appropriate measures to generate a large base of low skilled/semi-skilled workers; a supporting base of vocationally trained labour force; and a growing pool of world-class professionals trained in science and technology
5.2. Culture
5.2.1. Protection and promotion of inclusive Bangali cultural heritage
5.3. Health and Population
5.3.1. Primary health care
5.3.2. Promotion of sports and fitness for all ages
5.3.3. Disease control
5.3.4. Immunization
5.3.5. Safe water and sanitation
5.3.6. Population planning and reproductive health system
5.3.7. Child and mother care
5.3.8. Nutrition
5.3.9. Quality of service delivery and supervision at all levels of health and population planning

6. Goal Six: To offer necessary infrastructure to be a regional hub
6.1. Infrastructure
6.1.1. Roads and highways – rural, regional, national, international
6.1.2. Railways
6.1.3. Inland water transport
6.1.4. Ports: sea and air transport
6.1.5. Telecommunications, internet, ICT technology, and development of facilities for exporting services in this sector
6.2. Energy
6.2.1. Gas – exploration, development, estimation of reserves, principles of pricing of gas
6.2.2. Electric power – of generation, transmission and distribution optimum and alternative ways of bringing a reasonable balance between growth of demand, existing unprecedented shortfall in supply, and development of short-term and medium term plans of pricing of power
6.2.3. Private-public interface and investments in the energy sector

7. Goal Seven: To be environmentally sustainable
7.1. Maintenance of soil quality for a sustainable agricultural system
7.2. Irrigation and protection of water bodies
7.3. Afforestation
7.4. Coastal area protection
7.5. Solid, air and water pollution
7.6. Urbanization, rural-urban migration, infrastructure and utilities to cope with urbanisation
7.7. Development of renewable energy
7.8. Disaster management
7.9. Tracking of climate change

8. Goal Eight: To be effectively integrated in the regional and the global economy
8.1. Trade relations and negotiation of trading arrangements
8.2. Regional cooperation: economic and political
8.2.1. Strengthening of the SAARC – Prospects
8.2.2. Cooperation in the development of cross-country infrastructure such as roads, railways, waterways, energy, and in the use of port facilities
8.2.3. Taking advantage of globalization and making Bangladesh a regional hub
8.3. Transparent foreign policy and defence policy objectives – emphasis on non-alignment, peacekeeping, and popular aspirations for greater economic cooperation with neighbours in South Asia and South-East Asia.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Finally rain is back, way too hot without it.

Dried soil have finally way out to fulfill its thrist. And even more than their thirstiness. Inundated by heavy rain.

Friday, had to go for Jummah prayer. Water was everywhere!